I have now removed all of the sale possibilities apart from those that link to ClassicXBooks. I am at present looking for a new host for my sales. Some of my books are available at FemdomCave.Com and others at ClassicXBooks.com.
I intend this site to recommence selling books asap!
I have left Instagram and Facebook and am in the process of leaving Youtube. Various reasons for this, some of which are political and others personal.
That leaves this blog as my only general means of communication. I'll keep you updated. Next week I shall start to clear my backlog of mails and let's see how it moves forward.
Speak soon...
Thursday, March 06, 2025
OK, after a few months of various personal reasons as to why I have been unable to attend to the website and other matters, I will have to rethink various aspects of Irene's writing. I can only apologise that I have also found myself in conflict with Gumroad, my 'safe' seller. They objected to the rather upfront writing that they have, up until now been selling. Their words 'fetish content'! LOL, sure is, pretty fetishistic, I should say.
I have decided to wipe the Facebook and Instagram as well as the Youtube accounts as well. they bring nothing to the show.
It will take a little while to rethink how I am going to reorganise myself, so have some patience. First I need to get this site in order as the selling links are, of course, dead as a dodo. Some of my books are on sale at https://classicxbooks.com/, so take a look there.
As you can imagine after this break, there is a lot to get into order, especially as I have been utterly remiss in maintaining contacts etc. I shall therefore also be going through my mails in the next weeks and dealing with this!
I am on it... Or so i believe.
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
All the best laid plans! I am well aware that I am running late on this one! 'Amelia' has proved to be more difficult to write than I anticipated. Well over 50,000 words have been written and suddenly RL got in the way.
Don't worry, the book will be completed soon, just a bit late. It is mainly time that I am short of, there is no lack of ideas... I shall update in a week when I am closer to having it ready for you all...
Monday, June 24, 2024
As the manuscript reaches completion, I can now guess that it will be published on this site on the 21st June. There is still a little to write and then I can begin to round off some of the corners and review the text. Following that the editing...
Looking good! There are some great characters and convoluted situations that have taken longer to write than I anticipated and I cannot easily find the time to write at the moment, but even so, the project is coming to its completion...
Tuesday, June 04, 2024
On a capricious whim, I have decided to offer the faithful readers of my blog a discount for the next week!
Every single one of my books, newer or older, whatever the price is discounted by 33% off the normal stated price.
All you need to do is use the discount code 'MadeMaid' when you buy and the reward shall be yours!
The offer runs from now until the 7th of June.
This is the first time that I have ever made an offer like this and they will not happen often! I am not noted for my generosity...
I know that well over a thousand of my followers and readers read my blog every month and it is about time that there is an occasional reward for being faithful...
So, if there is a novel that you have lusted after or you are perhaps just wanting to complete a series, now would be the time to take a look and dream my dreams and fantasies a little more often!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Even though I had sketched the plot of 'Amelia' and written a fair few words of it, the work has finally got underway to flesh it out. Looks like a good one and I think that there will be no problem getting it all ready for publication in mid June as promised.
It's difficult to say how many words yet, but I reckon around 50,000 like the first volume, may be a little longer, let's see. The plots are developing nicely with a new female lead moving into position as Amelia is about to take possession of the couple that she bid for in the first book. But, before she does so, a final humiliation is in store for Grace and Olivia as they slide into a bottomless pit.
I write in torrents once I get going, it is always moving to the starting blocks that slows me down! Nevertheless, this is now moving forward at a rapid pace...
Then what?
Not sure yet, but I have some ideas that may amuse my readers. Meanwhile, as it the first draft of Amelia moves to completion, I will probably report it on Instagram as I go...
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Janine, the one with her hands on the reins. And the crop!
Amelia, the one that wants the products. When Janine has them ready...
Olivia, smitten and folded into a cuckold paradise.
Greg, guilt and blackmail recreate him.
Molly, the tool for her mistress's whims.
Dirk, the alpha that is actually an omega.
48,000 words
Good Neighbours: Janine
Part 1 of a two parter that breaks a little new ground. Now published on my site.
Part 2 will be available in mid June.
Monday, May 06, 2024
Just a mention of something that you should watch out for on my site. I often go through bouts of updating and messing around with the pages of my site. For instance, at the moment I am adding a few links to similar books / 'you may also like these...' at the bottom of each book page. This takes time, matching them all up is not easy. My writing is all over the place! In addition, at least once a month I update the home page to reflect some change, new book or piece of news.
If you are using a PC browser to view my site, then occasionally you will need to clear the cache or the PC will display from there instead of reflecting the new version. You can do this in Chrome in the Settings/History section of the browser.
I occasionally update, go for a look and get caught out myself... and think that upload has failed!
I could set the site to force a refresh, (you would just love being forced) but because of all the pictorial content it can be a slow loader if your speed is not fast. So, I don't! If you think that not much is going on, then you maybe mistaken... perhaps you just can't see it!
Irene - (Wearing her web-admin hat)
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
A quick update on the current writing.
The pair will be entitled 'Good neighbours'
with part one entitled 'Jasmine'
and part two entitled 'Amelia'.
A little more soon, but the first volume is in edit now and will come out around the 6th May. The second in mid June, date has yet to be set.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
The trial cover is possible if my Instagram contact who owns it is willing. Otherwise another will be chosen. The name of the novel is not yet determined, but something will occur to me. So that does not sound promising at all, but actually, it's better than it seems.
The actual first draft is complete and is heading for edit, so the real work on this is done. Allow me to give you some idea of what this one is...
This will be a two parter. The fact is that I started to write and then realised that I had a deep well of delicious and intricate ideas to get down in writing. As I reached halfway through, it became clear that this was not going to fit into a single volume, so it became two.
Olivia and Greg seek and find a rental in suburban small town USA. Little do they know that they have been chosen for it for reasons that have nothing to do with the finances. No, the reason is, that the community is a female dominated one that is constantly seeking new material to cater for their intimate needs. As the couple move in, they discover that the neighbours are both helpful and inviting. Janine and Dirk, African Americans, who have been given the delightful duty of preparing the newly arrived married couple for auction.
Dirk, overpowering and seemingly a womaniser with a taste in rough sex proceeds to charm and overwhelm Olivia, but all is not as it seems. His partner, Janine has him securely under her thumb and is directing the affair from afar. Meanwhile, Greg finds himself in trouble with Janine's maid, Molly and his position in the local church makes him vulnerable.
Meanwhile, Amelia, the informally recognised head of this female dominated group is orchestrating her own little game as well. As Greg slides one way, Olivia is encouraged by Dirk to humiliate her own husband with the affair while Molly and Janine bend Greg to their will by trickery as his defences weaken.
I don't want to spoil the plot by revealing to much, but this is a hot one! Female dominated cuckoldry, humiliation, trickery and with the extra spice of Dirk and Olivia's affair being conducted in the open before her husband. Loads of scenes almost from the start and plenty of the psychological drama that makes it a 3D experience in depth.
This is tale of domestic cuckoldry leading to female domination. Veering away from the somewhat more maledom 'Kitty's Cream', this book is centred around the women who have discovered that they can have their cake and eat it. Sensual, domineering, ruthless and passionate, they play their games and others are sucked in to become mere pieces in a cruel game that brings so much pleasure and gratification.
So the way that this works is that this first volume will come out latest the end of the first week of May. The second roughly five weeks later, in June. I will announce the official names on this blog, but the way that I am thinking is that there will be a story-arc name and then each of the two volumes will be named after the women. Janine or Olivia for the first and Amelia for the second.
Something like that! Sometimes it just flows and is so right...
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Four Thursdays is now up on my publisher's site and ready to go! No need to say much more about this classic book, I think that everybody has seen the illustrations at one time or another, but this is the first English translation that I am aware of. All done by yours truly!
You will find more on it here.
Meanwhile, I am working on another novel for your delectation. At the moment unnamed, but perhaps of some interest. This could well be ready by May and will almost certainly be the next novel to be published.
I have to admit that the writing has taken something of a back seat at the moment, but it is coming along. All I need are a few days of peace and quiet, free from distractions and all those other things in life that intrude on my writing mood... More on this in a week or so.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
After a holiday and steady work on the translation of 'Four Thursdays' by Bernard Montorguiel, it is ready to go. Taking rather longer than I expected as well as a hiccup because the version of the text that I possessed was sadly incomplete, it is now done.
You can see my comments on the translation here.
I will now take a pause from translating and complete some other writing projects. I have to admit that my time was taken up by some other work and matters that demanded close attention. Now, I reckon that I have a clear path for a few months and the next work will be released around the first or second week of May.
I admit that I have not attended to my mails and been too distracted to even post on Instagram with my usual frequency. Perhaps I can catch up...
Tuesday, April 02, 2024
Now published on my site!
Kitty's Cream is not a tale for the squeamish! Male and female domination, extreme BDSM and a twisted plot that makes the novel a tale of erotic horror and frightening arousal.
If you are up for Irene's visit to the outer edges of BDSM then go here.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Following on from the translation of Bernard Montorgueil's 'Dressage', the translation of 'Four Thursdays' is being worked on at the moment. From the original French into modern English for your delectation and reading pleasure.
As with 'Dressage' this will have all of the famous illustrations as well as the full text as translated by me!
At around 18,000 words plus an introduction and some comments, this will probably be available at the end of March 2024.
Pure vintage femdom fiction that matches the illustrations by the original author. Discover the context of the pictures splattered all over the internet...
Find out what happens when the young man, Jean-Louis, discovers himself in the hands of a truly sadistic and wicked woman who wants revenge and a new slave for her pleasure.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Written in the first person to keep it nice and intimate (!), Kitty's Cream is the tale of a man who turns down a job offer because of the offensive interviewing technique used... then he discovers that there is no escape after all.
Female and male domination all rolled into a single horrifying package that was originally written as a commission novella a couple of years ago. I was persuaded to take another look at it and decided that it was a fine basis for a tale of terror and extreme domination that needed a considerable amount of work. The original version was around 20,000 words and needed to be looked at from the bottom up :-)
The lawyer's office where the interview takes place is a BDSM wet-dream, the interview a casually frightening experience and the result is that he angers the main partner of the business.
I cannot stress enough that I had a few reservations about publishing this one, it is heavily on the horrifying fetish end of the scale... So if your tastes are towards cosy BDSM, this one is not for you. This is a heady mixture of ultimate male and female domination and will not be to everyone's tastes.
Kitty's Cream
There is a world where the decadent and dominant wealthy take what they want, imagine and realise pleasures that demand the total enslavement of the victims of their gratification. Fall helplessly into that world and discover the playthings, the pets, the unending submission and the frightening feeling of finally being enjoyed by an owner who cares only about the delectably decadent pleasures of total ownership.
45,000 Words
Probable cost £5
I expect the publication date to be around the end of February. A final read-through-edit is required and perhaps another 1,000 words are required to fill in a few gaps that suggest themselves.
On another note, I have not been writing much recently as 'real life' comes between me and my keyboard. A phase that is passing slowly.
Friday, February 16, 2024
In order to add another dimension more to my site, I have been experimenting with the idea of short video introductions to my writings. If you have been on the site in the last week you will have seen the progression of this idea as I experimented and played with the idea.
As usual, there is a problem... This time, it is ensuring a smooth bandwidth of my site to your device. 720 resolution film takes quite a bit of processing and uploading and it has turned out that I have discovered a way of others to take the load!
I have opened a YouTube channel as a container and can now refer those that browse my site to jump over there and see the result of my efforts. All of the short pieces are rated as '18+' years to be on the safe side! There is not really any NSFW content, but I always err on the safe side. Except when it comes to the written word!
The page where they are collected is here on my site and here on YouTube.
As time goes on, I plan to add to them and, in the end, cover all of my books. Starting with the series and then groups of 3 or 4 novels that have similar feel or themes.
Each one is accompanied by a little background music that is suitably spooky and lends a little atmosphere. The vibe should be a little edgy, IMHO! None of the videos will be over just a few minutes long and now that I finally understand the software that I am using to create them, the creation process should be a little faster.
All this takes time, not merely the creation and learning process, but also adding them to the website (some sides already have links to the videos) and creating the background music and effects.
Meanwhile, the writing, though it has taken a bit of a back seat, is moving along...
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Instagram has piqued an interest in producing some videos that explain what I write. I have already released a 'trailer' on Instagram, but I am also embedding them in this site.
You will find the two that I have completed here....
Does this work for you?
Sunday, January 21, 2024
And... just a day later than I had expected, 'Owned' is now for sale on my site. Actually I had a good excuse for the delay, because it was my birthday and I was too busy celebrating!
This book is the completion of the Maid & Aunt trilogy where the tale of Michael's path from young man to desperately eager intimate slave to his Aunt Victoria is told in detail.
Finally Michael is deemed ready by Victoria for the final stages of the transformation. How she goes about this is in her own inimitable way. With the help of her maids and friends, he is about to discover that the rigorous training so far is really merely the preparation for what is to come.
I started writing this series in the COVID lockdown and completed it a year or two later. About time that it was published.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Just a quick note that the first review of my 'Dressage' translation has been published...
Find the review here.
Seems to have hit the right note! Thanks Sally...
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
After the publication of 'Owned' in January, I am lining up the publication of other books in the next few months. In late March it will be turn of 'Kitty's Cream'.
Kitty's Cream
A frightening tale of terror. This is the cover that I think that I am settling upon (posted). So, I wrote a novella a couple of years ago, 'Kitty's Cream'. Femdom, but with a strong sadistic maledom element. I have been hesitating about publishing, it is sort of erotica-horror that is at the edge. I have added to it recently and it now stands at 45,000 words. I need to rethink a few small parts of it, but it is basically ready for publication.
Actually it was sort of an unasked for commission!
The tale of a young man that rejects a job offer after being sadistically terrorised and now finds himself being the target for a powerful, vengeful and sadistic man. But, as the victim falls into an ever more helpless plight, there are others that take a hand... A tale of cruelty and malicious gratification, tending towards horror as well as erotic ruin!
So, that takes care of March! After that I have various possibilities.
After that!
A piece set in the 'Domains' world, a good few years after a Matriarchy has arisen in the USA. Originally the idea was to have set of short tales set in this milieu, but this one has turned into a novel! Something else being worked on at the moment is a tale set in Mid-Victorian times that is coming along slowly. It takes quite a bit of research to make this work, but it has been properly begun and is looking interesting and a change of pace.
Another possibility is another trilogy that is complete in 1st draft. Entitled 'Sugar and Spice' it is three novel length pieces that moves away from the domestic setting of 'Maid and Aunt'. Needs some TLC, but looks good.
It's simple, I love to write...
Monday, January 08, 2024
The third and closing volume of the Maid and Aunt trilogy, 'Owned', detail how Aunt Victoria completes the training of her nephew to become the perfect gift for someone very important in her life.
At the end of 'Nephew' Michael still had thoughts that he could escape his aunt somehow, despite his ever increasing dependence and the attentions of Tamara, Aunt Victoria's closest friend. By the time that volume two, 'Tuition', is complete the nephew has has fallen totally under her power and all that remains to be done is to break all contact with his past and remake him into the slave that she desires.
'Owned' is set a short while after the close of book 2 and details the final stages of this re-education that Aunt Victoria has been so lavish and generous in completing. Naturally her deviant maid Frieda is at the centre of things as is Aunt Victoria's daughter, the dominant Prudence.
Victoria decides that each of the friends and relatives that share her interests will take a unique and final part in preparing Michael for the rest of his life under female control. Tamara, the one that seduced him and broke down his barriers. Prudence, the step sister that he could never compare to. Angie, the cheerful sadistic bringer of pain and Victoria herself will all take their part in this final preparation to become nothing more than a slave that begs to please their every degenerate whim.
Passed from one to the other, Michael will have the last mental bastions stormed until, at last, he discovers a fulfillment that he never thought was possible. A need to serve and give intimate pleasure even though his own desperate needs are restrained and kept at arm's length.
The final book is undergoing preparation right now and is expected to be ready for publication in mid January. In fact I have a curious idea that releasing it on my birthday will be just about right! The whole trilogy is well over 150,000 words, each single volume around a third of that length.
Meanwhile I have three other projects on the boil that will be revealed in the next few blog posts. Christmas caused me to slow a little as other commitments moved in the background, but I have put time aside to write quite a bit and complete them. Also I have been keeping an eye on Instagram which is slowly building a head of steam. As winter closes in, what is there to do but write...
Saturday, January 06, 2024
There is a great deal going on right now.
Tuition is now posted on my website and is available. Following on from 'Nephew' this novel takes us past the resistance that the nephew started to display and shows how Aunt Victoria has more than mere feminisation on the cards for her naive nephew.
Synopsis of 'Tuition'.
Next up, the translation of Dressage is complete and on sale at last. Life is complicated, what can I say? Translated from the original French by myself. At last an easily available English Language translation written by an author who understands the genre in depth! Also with the justly famous illustrations as well as an introduction by myself and a few notes on the translation. I have been careful to let Bernard Montorguiel's tale to almost tell itself. Not quite a word for word translation, but a modernised text that is now the English Language Standard for the work.
Note that the book is sold by a partner of mine as the illustrations would not be appreciated by my e-commerce site!
Synopsis Of 'Dressage'.
There are other things going on as well on the writing front as well, but more of that next time.
Friday, December 15, 2023
Last week I was on a brief holiday in Germany. Nuremburg, Regensburg and a little Munich. This gave my hard pressed editor time to take a look at the latest work for publication.
I think that everyone knows the illustrations of Bernard Montorgueil. In fact they are splattered all over the internet, how could anyone miss them? Little is known of the illustrator of these BDSM Femdom illustrations. Even less is known about the text that accompanied them. Written in French, translated subsequently into German and English. But the non-French translations are hard to come by (I mean just that, the German translation is like a ruined climax!), outdated and not translated by someone that understands the genre. Even the French versions often lack large sections of text, the pictures are missing or misplaced and in one version, actually upside down.
Dressage and the other works need a sympathetic, accurate and modern translation! Poor Bernard, how they have fucked up your amazing illustrations and stories! I have started with 'Dressage' because, well, why not? Translated by me from the French into the English Language with the respect and care that is required for a work of this nature. Once the translation was completed, I added an introduction as well as end-notes that explain some of the textual problems as well as noting the author's intent, a little history and my personal theory of when they were written. Not the 1930's IMHO.
This English language version is the tale as it was intended to be read.
I have sorted out the strange drama-script-like method that the original author used to mark the speech of the characters and modernised the euphemistic words that Montorgueil used as if he was embarrassed to say 'cock' or 'prick'. The tale itself is told by Bernard in a literary self-referential way, in which one tale is told inside another and so on. I have worked to clarify the involuted style without damaging the effect that Montorgueil obviously wanted to accomplish.
All the illustrations have been embedded in the text as well, and this has led to a slight problem for me! My e-commerce site, that sell my books, is fine with textual adult material, but pictorial adult material is another matter. I quite understand... I want my own site to be clear of pictorial erotica as well (hence the cover is censored on my own site!). I found another site to act as publisher for this one and you can go there and buy it from them!
Soon available... in the next few days, probably. My Instagram page will mark the moment that it goes on sale there. A finalised copy is with my publisher.
Friday, December 08, 2023
At last, the first part of the Maid and Aunt trilogy is published here. The entire series exists in draft and the rest will be published at around 4 week intervals. There will still be a little editing to be done, but the next part is due around mid December and the final one in January.
Possibly on my birthday on the 17th!
Originally conceived as three parts of around 40,000 words apiece, the end product is a little longer, Nephew being 50,000 words. At the behest of my editor a slight change was added to the last chapter of the book to elucidate one of the characters with a nice little extra scene.
Mainly a 'domestic with BDSM' touches novel, the trilogy starts with Michael discovering that his plans for the future are not likely to happen as his aunt and her best friend have decided a somewhat different choice of lifestyle for him... As you will see, the pressure mounts and Michael will discovers the joys of ensuring that his Aunt gets what she wants.
A full synopsis is, as usual, on this site.
All fun and games... Enjoy
Friday, November 17, 2023
The 'Maid and Aunt' trilogy will (and indeed does) tell the tale of a young man who falls afoul of his Aunt's rapacious and dominant ways. All three parts have been written in draft and are now just waiting the final adjustments and formatting to make them ready for publishing. I would imagine that all three will be complete, published and offered on my site, by around Christmas with a gap of a few weeks between each one.
The first part - Nephew
At around 45,000 words, this novel takes us into the world of Michael. A young man that lives with his Aunt after the death of both of his parents when he was a child. Aunt Victoria (sister of his mother) is indulgent and strict and has overseen his education and development as a young man and is determined to keep him well tied to her apron strings. Michael, on the other hand is eager to get on with his life and move on...
All three books are well paced, full of incidental intimate detail and show how Aunt Victoria takes control of Michael and moves him in the direction that she has chosen. Her intention is to feminise her nephew and reduce him to total intimate dependence on her and her friends. The trilogy lays out how her intentions change as she follows this path and how Michael discovers that the older woman's intentions are by no means charitable, her intimate desires and wishes must be catered for, his will being bent to hers in a steady and overwhelming re-education that will see him obedient and submissive to her needs every minute of every day.
The first volume has been returned by my faithful editor (💕 CH) with the typos highlighted and some additional adjustments in the text. In order to get the book ready it needs to go through a systematic process in which the editor's suggested alterations are accepted or considered before a final read through to get the flow of the text right and make sure that it reads easily. I am now at the stage where a few glasses of red wine and a detailed re-read is required. This normally takes around a week or so.
After this, the typesetting has to be adjusted. For instance... When I write I tend to have plenty of spaces between paragraphs to allow me a better overview as I write. This needs to be corrected and the prep needs to be done to make the conversion into the PDF and ePub formats seamless. Another few days, depending on my other work load.
All in all, this whole process will probably take a couple, of weeks in total. It is quite a different experience being a reader who is looking for mistakes or a reader who is enjoying the book as an exciting experience! Slower, that's for sure, but also having a fully critical eye as to how the finished product looks. The process is painstaking and exhausting and doing all three in a rush to hurry them out is not going to happen!
This all means that I expect Nephew to appear on my website around the 20th November (give or take) and ready for sale. I believe that my readership expects a seamless read that allows them to enjoy the tale without being bugged by endless typos and other problems in the text!
So, tomorrow, the final read through and formatting finally begins and we'll see how long it takes.
By the way, I am now posting on Instagram and Twitter (X?) around once a week, the links to them are on my home page.
Monday, November 06, 2023
So the way that it works is this...
I write a blog post about what the fuck that I am up to (last time) and then go and do something completely different. Well fuck me! I write for all sorts of reasons, but the main one is that it amuses me. So I get to change my mind all the time. Contrary bitch that I am.
There are a few pots on the boil. 'Maid and Aunt', a three-parter coming soon. The just released 'Point of View' and then some more after that. Then there is the planning to decide on the order and the editing schedules. On top of that, I may have another publisher as well. More on that another time!
I was having a chat with my editor about the various bits and pieces coming up and a mention of a novella that I wrote several years ago came up. I wrote it for my editor at the time, I suppose. Anyway, at just under 30,000 words it had really spent its life in 1st draft form, since the intention was never really to do anything with it. Part of the reason was that it is a little piquant (let's say sadistic and be honest, Irene), the other reason was that it was the tale of a man falling under the power of another man. There are quite a few Ds women involved as well, but then the direction is rather more M/m than F/m.
So the mention of 'Kitty's Cream' intrigued me and I dug it up and took a look. Mmm, interesting. In fact more than merely interesting. In the last week I have revised, edited, added a few thousand words and now it has gone back to my editor for a look at my typos and mistaken use of the Oxford comma. I did a cover (the photo in this post) and the result looks pretty fine, if I say so myself.
So it may well be that there will be an extra book for sale in November.
Frankie asked: 'Are we living in an age when sex and horror are the new gods?
I should fucking well hope so. The new gods are a damn sight more attractive than the old ones. This is a tale of extreme horror and sex. Sex and extreme fetish, piles of money and having it all the way that you want it, no matter who gets in the way. In fact, especially if they get in the way. Slavery and all that. A frightening little tale where a man discovers that casually insulting the wrong people can lead to consequences that are way beyond what might be expected.
So, if this one gets released, then it is a 10/10 level tale of fetish, power, evil and shudder-making moments of sadism. Personally, my opinion is that this is only fiction.
Or perhaps it is all true?
I sort of hope so...
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Three writing projects are currently underway.
1. A novel, the title of which has not been decided, though it goes under the temporary title of 'Imposter'. This is a more BDSM orientated novel and is around a third of the way through the first draft. This has a thriller edge and a couple of interesting surprises built into the plot.
2. A reader has given me some ideas for something a little different. Years ago I wrote a pastiche short tale called 'The Slaves Of Xi Ling'. (It is in the free section of my site) I was thinking of something of this type. A novel or novella set in around 1850-1890 featuring a 'She' like storyline. The idea of taking a break from writing modern settings and trying my hand at something like this certainly attracts and there are endless possibilities.
3. When I first wrote the 'Domains' series, I had it in my head to write 5 books. It came in at 4 and even though the last one stretched to 120,000 words and rounded off the meta-plot of the series, 'In Silver' was never really intended to be the end of it. Trouble was, I was exhausted by writing this series and the final book came to be nothing more than an unfulfilled promise. My idea is to look at this idea again and complete the series. The main plot is told and finished, but what I wanted to do was to write a series of three, four or five tales set in the 'Domains' timeline set after In Silver. Each tale would be part of a larger whole that would come together towards the end of the book. In other words, a postscript for the first four books. I have been collecting ideas for these tales and I think that it will now get written.
Many years ago I had an exchange of mails with Carmenica Diaz, a great author who wrote a great deal of FD fiction. One of the things that she said was that it was becoming difficult to think of new plot ideas and this was cramping her style. From my point of view, it is true, I occasionally seize up a little, but in the end the novels write themselves. The three books above will probably take me until Jan or Feb of 2024 to get into 1st draft, but then I presently have around 6-7 unpublished books that will be released in the intervening months.
As for running out of ideas... doesn't look that way yet.
Meanwhile, it seems that the sale of books through this site has not caused any problems for my readers. The system seems to work well and it would also seem that I have made no mistakes on the setup. If you buy and do have a problem, then write to me at Irene@MissIreneClearmont.com and I will sort it out. I have to admit that I am just a little proud at having set this whole thing up. Just a few years ago my site was written in.... MSWord as an HTML document. Seems a lifetime ago.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
The RSS feed now goes successfully to Goodreads. The Goodreads version of a blogger's script is without links and any pictures. The full version can be seen on my website.
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Published at last. I would like to think that I pretty much met the schedule to have this one ready to buy by the end of September. Just a day late, I suppose, but then this is 87,000 words of fun and games. A seriously long novel and a fun ride from the beginning to the end. An office setting and a domestic setting, characters that start all pointed in the same direction and discover their own priorities as they move along.
This is a novel that takes its time a little as the reader is taken buy the hand by the characters. Each chapter seen from the unique point of view of that character, each development related by a witness.
Writing in the 1st person normally restricts what can be explained to the reader, but when all of the characters tell their tale personally the whole 360 degree view of Gregory's fall, trials and tribulations can be experienced from each point of view.
Fun to write, fun to read and plenty of twists and turns on the way...
Here's where to find it on my site...
Monday, October 02, 2023
You can now buy my books from this site.
Before you click on the 'Buy' button on any book's description-page, click on the little button to the left that explains how the process works.
And... if you do buy something, then you are keeping me in stockings and heels. That in itself is worth the effort!
Monday, September 25, 2023
This was the interview that I did 10 years ago or so. Most of it is still as true as the moment that it was done.
Meanwhile, this site will be 'soft opened' in the next day or so allowing all to buy direct from my own site. A little spelling and so on and then I am set to go.
Monday, September 25, 2023
All books bought at Irene's site will be in PDF and ePub format. The buyer will receive two files, one in each format. I now expect a soft opening of the fully functional site to be operating after the weekend....
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
As you will see if you click on the 'buy' buttons on the pages that detail each book, the site is progressing. At the moment, nothing can be bought, but in the next few weeks this site will release and will go live. Each and every book needs a page on my site (basically done) and a page on the e-commerce site (getting there). Then it all needs to be checked that all the links are consistent and that it all works as it should. This is a delicate process, especially since I am constructing the entire site myself! I am also fiddling with the layout of the site and ways to find the books. So far I have thought of five ways, this will be smoothed out in the next week or so and it may well change. If you want to see how something works, build it and test it to death!
I am also reformatting every single volume as I go to make sure that they meet the high standard expected of me. So, as you can imagine, I am pretty busy :-)
Meanwhile, my editor (and guardian of the Oxford comma) has sent 'Point Of View' back with a few suggestions. I am reading through now and will possibly add a little to the book to sharpen the ending. As soon as it is ready it will be published here first.
And... the next trilogy is in the works as well. A draft has been written and it probably needs straightening out a little. The cover of the first volume is in this blog post. This series will appear in a month or so volume by volume as I straighten out the draft.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
The first books go up on the e-commerce site, Gumroad. Chosen for their reliability and presence, the books are not quite ready for sale, but some of the pages are up, if you click on the link at the bottom of the page.
Meanwhile, some of the picture rendering of covers has been speeded by using more efficient code. Plenty still to do, but it's moving along.
Check it out here.
Thursday, September 07, 2023
So, as I ready this site, I find that I am moving towards making this a self-publishing site. The idea is to use an e-commerce platform that will handle everything for me. This is a work in progress. See the page for 'A Cruel Divorce' to see how this is progressing. Nothing on sale yet and I have loads more to do.
Meanwhile, I have made corrections to some of the text as an eagle-eyed editor is looking for the typos and other errors. Some has been corrected already, other mistakes remain to be purged. Thanks and here's a shoutout to Richard.
Then there is CH who is casting an eye over my latest novel with a view to publication. Another shoutout to CH for their efforts.
The whole project is moving forward and will still take a little time to get straight. After all, there are around 60+ books to get sorted out and on sale as well as to make sure that the quality of the PDFs is up to scratch and the coding is all good.
Tuesday, September 05, 2023
I have a feeling that the next novel to be released upon my long suffering readers will be 'Point Of View'. You can find the relevant page here. The event should occur around mid to late September. The trilogy 'Maid and Aunt' will take a little longer, but is underway. Meanwhile I am writing the first draft of a (so far) nameless novel that is keeping me sane.
Meanwhile the website is still being worked on. There are loads of details to complete. For example, you should now have a tiny icon in the tab of your browser page. Wow! There are so many details to be added and I keep on finding more that needs to be done.
At the moment the blog posts are made to test the system, speak directly to a few devoted followers and readers and soothe my own soul. I hope to feed the blog to other places as well, but for the moment...
Monday, August 21, 2023
OK, so the website moves along a little. The page that is loaded from the 'Books' menu now looks more as I had envisioned it. Looks prettier now and I have learned to make things appear and disappear.
I have had a few mails already, so someone is watching this site. Nice to have an audience!
Meanwhile I am working on various bits and pieces. 'Point of View' is basically almost ready to go. The 'Maid and Aunt' trilogy needs a little TLC perhaps, but the actual first draft is all good.
Then there are few other bits as well, but I have to leave something to talk about!
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
So the website is finally uploaded. There is work needed on various details. Spelling being one! Over the next few weeks it will be hammered into shape, I have to export all of the text and check it through.
You can see just how complex the site is and the fact that it will need optimising as well. Picture downloads are rather on the slow side. This is also because I have written around fifty novels or more. At last count around 3,000,000 words of female domination fiction.
Meanwhile I am getting a new novel ready for publication as well. Should be fun... It may seem to those who have been keeping an eye on all of this that I am doing nothing at all. More about this later.
Meanwhile, this is a test of the blogging software and to see if the RSS feed works. So far, so good.
Saturday, August 12, 2023