All points of view.

This is a tale of how a man can fall under the spell of a woman who discovers that what she demands, she can get. Edging him, always promising without delivering, tempting and manipulating her prey until almost anything is possible. Josephine is the star of this female domination fantasy, but Frances, Eve and Pamela all have parts to play as she matures to become Gregory's true owner.


As the novel begins, Gregory discovers that he is attracted to Josephine, one of the office team under his management. His marriage is somewhat rocky and he becomes tempted by her and makes the mistake of believing that a casual office affair will be easy to keep under control. Meanwhile, Jospehine has no clear idea of where the affair is going to go, but she does know that she needs to be in control.


The novel takes all of the players in this twisted romance one at a time. Chapter by chapter, discovering their thoughts and motivations as Gregory is reduced to a shadow of he slips into a new world of obedience and newly discovered pleasures. The trap opens wide and Gregory becomes an amusing plaything for a mistress who has no mercy and is always determined to discover new humiliations and games to play with him.



Miss Irene's thoughts:


Lockdown and Covid affected us all in one way or another. I started to write again and this was the result! I was looking for something different and the switches of point-of-view suited the fractured way in which it was written. The whole book is a sort of conversation between the protagonists that resolves as we might expect! Each states their POV neatly and relates a part of the tale and then passes the baton to the next character that is at the centre.


I have to admit that 'office' based FD fiction is often requested by my readers, though I never worked in an 'office' as such, I can understand the attraction of the idea of the complete role reversal and sexual edge that is omnipresent in most offices. 


So, the whole novel is written in first-person style, but each character is permitted thier own unique voice and thoughts as Gregory slides under the shadow of Josephine. I thought that it was time to go back to the office and have a little romance, even though everyone was working from home.



Point Of View

Female Domination Themes


Strength 8/10

Setting: USA

87,000 Words

Written 2023


Point Of View - 87,000 Words of Femdom Fiction

Published 1st October 2023