The illustrations are justly famous, at least in the sense that they are scattered over the internet with abandon. The text is available in French, but an English translation of Montorgueil's other major novella was sadly lacking.
So here it is, in all of it's glory! The illustrations and the text... Translated from the French into the English Language in an all new translation of this female domination tale that was my obsession for several months.
Unlike 'Dressage', this one is a tale with no homoerotic overtones, the story of a young man whose obsession for a mature and experienced woman cannot be controlled, even when he is plainly shown that she is a sadist of the clearest water.
Set at the turn of the twentieth century in Paris, Jean Louis sees a woman that he cannot shake from his thoughts and in a naive wooing he goes after her, only to discover that she is actually an aunt that his family shuns. But, that does not cause a pause in his attempts to persuade her that he is a serious suitor.
Over four Thursdays, Jean Louis pursues the object of his desires and manages to make his feelings plain. However, Madame de Varennes really is not a woman who merely wants a strip of a young man offering her his hand. No, she is a woman who realises that there are two opportunities that can be taken advantage of. The first is her thirst for revenge and the second is to have another slave at her beck and call...
Irene's Comments...
After translating 'Dressage' by the elusive pimpernel Monsieur Montorgueil towards the end of last year, I decided that the next one to be worked on was 'Four Thursdays'. More complex to translate than 'Dressage' Four Thursdays was an interesti8ng challenge.
As per the previous volume, I have added a short introduction and some footnotes for those who wish to know a little more about the book. The translation is not a word-for-word one, that would not do it justice. It has to be readable in English and the language modernised in order to make it accessible to the casual reader.
Though the French was a little more complex, the story itself is rather more straightforward. There is less of the reflective aura of 'Dressage' and the tale is purely one of female sadism and manipulation that explains the various illustrations that intersperse the text. This time I have used the colourised illustrations rather than the original B&W ones because the quality was superior, but then it is a colourful story!
Four Thursdays - English language version.
Female Domination Themes
18,000 Words
Written +/-1960
Translation 2024
Four Thursdays - The classic novella from Bernard Montorgueil.
Trans. Irene Clearmont
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Also translated by me, Montorgueil's female domination and homoerotic classic 'Dressage'.