When Billy’s parents die in a terrible car crash, young Billy is left all alone in the world. It seems that the only one who cares about him is his aunt Klara, a woman who never got on with his mother. Klara was the black sheep of the family, an outcast who has now arrived to claim her rights.
With a deeply Catholic upbringing by a strict father and mother, Billy has inherited the house and money that Klara felt was hers when Billy's mother, her younger sister, inherited everything. This is the tale of how she retrieves that fortune, gains revenge on her sister and satisfies her lusts by breaking Billy down piece by piece.
Aunty Klara sorts out a housekeeper for Billy. Middle aged Pauline, a best friend and occasional lover who is up to the challenge of recreating Billy in the image that Klara demands. Pauline inserts herself into Billy’s life and the work commences as he falls victim to a dating site and struggles to assert himself against the evil older women that are seeking his demise. Every weakness is exploited, every humiliation designed to place him ever more in their control.
This is the tale of a young naive man who is endlessly controlled as his aunt’s revenge takes shape. Isolated and helpless due to his shyness, he succumbs to each new level of humiliation on a path to utter servitude. Each new phase of Billy’s transformation and surrender against his better judgement is catalogued in detail as the women manipulate him, forcing him to give in to their games.
This long novel starts slowly to allow the reader to see every small step taken, each step and misstep, each conversation and plan as it unfolds. Showing the characters and their fears and hopes with gradual horrifying pathos as Billy tries to escape and change what is happening to him. But, he is no match for his aunt whose purpose is like steel! She knows what she wants and has the means to make her dream come true. Without a doubt, Klara is a compellingly malicious character who takes advantage of Billy’s naivete, her friend’s natural eagerness to dominate her nephew and satisfy her deepest and darkest desires.
Miss Irene's thoughts:
I remember so much enjoyment whilst writing this one! The development of Billy's nightmare, the way that he is groomed by Klara and her friend. The small twists and gradual envelopment of him, the surrenders that are always conceded because of a counter advantage that is no advantage at all!
The blackmail and endless social pressure that she uses to get her way. This facet of her domination of her nephew is at least as engaging as the sexual games that she begins to play with him through her factotum friend who acts as 'maid' as she takes the reins.

Klara's Kingdom
Female Domination Themes
Setting: UK
Strength 7/10
75,000 Words
Written 2019
Re-edit 2022
Klara's Kingdom - 75,000 Words of Femdom Fiction